Anabolic Properties of Mixed Wheat-Legume Pasta Products in Old Rats: Impact on Whole-Body Protein Retention and Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis.

Anabolic Properties of Mixed Wheat-Legume Pasta Products in Old Rats: Impact on Whole-Body Protein Retention and Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis.

1,20 €

Insaf Berrazaga, Jérôme Salles, Karima Laleg, Christelle Guillet, Véronique Patrac, Christophe Giraudet, Olivier Le Bacquer, Marine Gueugneau, Philippe Denis, Corinne Pouyet, Angelique Pion, Phelipe Sanchez, Yves Boirie, Valérie Micard, Stéphane Walrand.